Hiring a team member can present it’s challenges so outsourcing your business administration to a virtual person can seem a little daunting if you have not done this before. It’s important that you meet them at least once before you make any decisions about hiring as a general rule. It is of course entirely possible to do this via a phone call or video conference but you will get a better sense about that person from a face to face meeting. Whilst a Virtual Assistant will be able to do the job, the emotional bond can sometimes be far superior for some organisations in getting that right connection.
Having a physical meeting will have a bigger impact on a business and personal level and depending on how accessible this is then once you have your VA in place, a catch up once a month or bi-monthly would be worth doing.
As business owners, we can a misconception that because we have hired a new recruit, we can just throw them at the business to figure out what needs to be done. Like with any new person joining a company, they need to have an understanding of the company and hands on training with any systems you use, processes you have set up and how you intend to work together on a day to day basis. There will be a settling in period which may be longer than if you hired an employee so a little understanding and patience is needed at this point.Read More